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This is a E-Flite 9.5 x 7.5 propeller. E-flite T-28 Trojan 1.1
This is a replacement E-flite Focke-Wulf Fw 190A Propeller, intended for use with the Focke-Wulf Fw 190A 1.5m Electric Airplane. Package includes three prop blades and hardware.
This is an E-Flite 13x6 Wooden Propeller for the Extra 300 3D 1.3m.
This is a prop and spinner assembly for Conscendo Evolution by E Flite.
This 8.25 x 5.5 propeller by E Flite is compatible with Mini Apprentice S 1.2m RTF with SAFE.
This is a replacement set of E-Flite 9.75x7.5" Radian and Radian Pro Propeller Set, intended for use with the E-Flite Radian BNF Basic Electric Glider Airplanes.
This is a replacement Blade Tail Rotor, and is intended for use with the Blade 120 SR Helicopter.
This is an E-flite 130 x 70mm Folding Propeller.
This is the E-Flite LiPo 1S 300mA USB charger.